Safe and Sustainable by Design Information Map (2022)
The Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement has commissioned an Information Map on Safe-and Sustainable-by-Design from 'De ArgumentenFabriek'. The Information Map is meant for companies that develop chemicals and materials and highlights what Safe and Sustainable by Design is, what the underlying principles are, and how companies can get started with Safe and Sustainable by Design, and more.
The Information Map
Safe by Design – A design approach for dealing with hazardous substances in products. By Julieta Bolaños Arriola (2022).
Selection of produdct-chemical substance combinations for SbD. By V. Subramanian Ten existing products that contain chemicals of concern and are suitable to illustrate Safe-by-Design appoach have been selected.
SbD by combining risk assessment with life-cycle analysis. By V. Subramanian This literature study gives an overview of methods that combine risk assessment and life-cycle analysis to reduce the possible chemical risks of a product at an early stage of innovation. Based on this study, a guidance document has been developed.
Safe and sustainable (bio)chemistry with hydrocyanic acid, by B. Bouchaut (2019) (NL) This research shows the pros and cons of different possibilities to increase safety in the conversion of a toxic chemical (hydrocyanic acid) according to the Safe-by-Design approach.
Inherently designed safe for a safer chemical industry, by S. Echeverri (2019) (NL) This research describes how the management team of a chemical company can stimulate safety in the early design stages of chemical processes.
Learnings from Green Chemistry for Safe-by-Design, by D. Schuurbiers (2019) (NL) Report on the findings of a short-term study into the emergence and influence of green chemistry as a movement within chemistry, including lessons learned for strengthening Safe-by-Design as a policy movement.
Regarding substitution of dangerous chemicals, by K. le Blansch (2019) (NL) Perception on the substitution of dangerous chemicals against a background of thinking on ‘Safe-by-Design’.
Learnings from Safer Chemicals for Safe-by-Design, by D. Schuurbiers (2018) (NL) Overview of Safer Chemicals initiatives (a safer use, management, design and substitution of chemicals) and the lessons that can be learned for Safe-by-Design.
Safe Chemicals Innovation Agenda Dangerous Substances (NL) Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability
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